IHCC Featured Chef Themes Pages

Yotam Ottolenghi Themes

Yotam Ottolenghi Themes:

April 1-7
(a welcome dish for our new chef--anything goes!)

April 8-14
(recipes featuring lettuce, kale, spinach, collards or other greens)

April 15-21
(It's all about those root vegetables)

April 22-28
(Cook any Ottolenghi dish or a recipe from any former IHCC chef!)

April 29-May 5
(wholesome grain-filled Ottolenghi recipes)

May 6-May 12
(pick any squash you like, either winter or summer squash)

May 13-May 19
(Ottolenghi recipes featuring pasta and noodles)

May 20-May 26
(Cook any Ottolenghi Dish or a recipe from any former IHCC chef!)

May 27-June 2
(veggie pancakes, latkes, patties, and veggie burgers)

June 3-June 9
(Sweet treats, desserts, and recipes using sweet ingredients)

June 10-June 16
(Ottolenghi recipes featuring ingredients with sunny hues of yellow and/or

June 17-June 23
(Cook any Ottolenghi Dish or a recipe from any former IHCC chef!)

June 24-June 30
(Dishes featuring lentils, beans and legumes)

July 1-July 7
(Ottolenghi recipes that feature or include ingredients with a reddish hue)

July 8-July 14
(Recipes that feature fruit - fresh, frozen or dried, sweet or savoury)

July 15-July 21
(Cook any Ottolenghi Dish or a recipe from any former IHCC chef!)

July 22-July 28
(It’s all about the incredible, edible egg!)

July 29-August 4
(Single appetisers, or a whole spread of dishes suitable for a Mezze feast)

August 5-August 11
(A celebration of all things green)

August 12-August 18
(Ottolenghi recipes featuring nuts and/or seeds of any kind)

August 19-August 25
(Cook any Ottolenghi Dish or a recipe from any former IHCC chef!)

August 26-September 1
(Ottolenghi pies, tarts, and galettes - sweet or savoury)

September 2-September 8
(Make any Ottolenghi dish using a new or unfamiliar ingredient, cuisine, cooking
technique or style)

September 9-September 15
(Recipes using ingredients that you once used to hate, but have grow to love, or
at least like a little bit)

September 16-September 22
(Cook any Ottolenghi Dish or a recipe from any former IHCC chef!)

September 23-September 29
(A bittersweet farewell - choose any Ottolenghi dish to say goodbye, or a roundup
of your favourites over the last six months)

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