#I♥CC on Twitter

I Heart Cooking Clubs twitter hashtag is #I♥CC

We have started a twitter hashtag - feel free to tweet your weekly entries too - adding #I♥CC to the tweet.

Let us know in a comment if you would like to be on this handy-dandy twitter list. (Include your twitter address in the comment)

Twitter List

Deb (Kahakai Kitchen) @DebinHawaii

Natashya (KitchenPuppies) @KitchenPuppies

Heather (girlichef) @girlichef

Kim (Stirring the Pot) @KimTracy75

Ty's Mommy (Seventh Level of Boredom) @tysmommy

Sue (Couscous & Consciousness) @suebuschnz

Tina (Life in the Slow Lane at Squirrel Head Manor) @TinaCulbertson


Nevs Kitchen....Curry,Masala and More..http://currymasalaandmore.blogspot.com.au/ said...

Nive(Nev's Kitchen)@nivyadita

Heather S-G said...

Welcome, we look forward to you cooking with us. Once you've joined in a few of the challenges, we will add you to our blogroll!