IHCC Featured Chef Themes Pages

Monday, November 30, 2009

"Goddess Goodies"

"The trouble with much modern cooking is not that the food it produces is not good, but that the mood it induces in the cook is one of skin-of-the-teeth efficiency, all briskness and little pleasure. Sometimes that's the best we can manage, but to others we want to feel not like a postmodern, post feminist, overstretched modern woman but, rather, a domestic goddess, trailing nutmeggy fumes of baking pie in our languorous wake. So what I'm talking about is not being a domestic goddess, exactly, but feeling like one." --Nigella Lawson

As we are fast approaching peak holiday time, most of us are busy, stressed, perhaps a bit more harried than normal. What better time feel like goddesses, domestic or otherwise, to channel our inner Nigellas and enjoy some Goddess Goodies, our theme for this week.

Nigella says "Cooking is about balance and harmony" and Goddess Goodies are those foods that make us feel good--the treats that delight and sustain us.

For some it may be something sweet, for others something savory or earthy...maybe something light and ethereal, or perhaps something thick and creamy...something decadent...or something healthy. Only you know what your inner goddess desires!

So look through your cookbooks or browse online for the perfect Nigella Lawson recipe that captures the spirit of your inner goddess. Post your Goddess Goodies creation on your blog through Sunday, December 6th. If you didn't get a chance to yet, stop by and take a look at last week's amazing and delicious Side Dish Superstars!

Link your I Heart Cooking Clubs post of the week's permalink with Mr. Linky, below, so we can all see your fabulous cooking club creation! Please leave a comment after, each week that you use Mr. Linky to link your post, just to be sure we don't miss anyone. Not sure what a permalink is? Check out our Welcome post for all the details.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Side Dish Superstars!

This is a huge cooking week for many in the States...with Thanksgiving lurking so near! Now, we pretty much all know we're going to cook a turkey...maybe the same way we always have...maybe a new recipe or brine or rub or cooking method. But definitely turkey. Of course, you don't have to be celebrating anything this week to contemplate what's going to be on your plate this week. Start with your meat (or main dish...sorry vegetarians)...
I love to eat turkey love to eat tur-ur-key (thank you Adam Sandler)...BUT there's just something about planning around that turkey...looking beyond that main dish...finding that perfect...
Oh yeah...the side dish!! Or side dishes, if you will. Those are what truly make the meal. And endless possibilities! I just know that you can find a fabulous Nigella Lawson recipe to fit into this weeks theme:Scour the websites...pour through your books...and come up with a fabulous side dish to share here at I Heart Cooking Clubs this week! And if you missed this months Potluck, be sure to head over and check out the goodies that everybody shared.

Link your I Heart Cooking Clubs post of the week's permalink with Mr. Linky, below, so we can all see your fabulous cooking club creation! Please leave a comment after, each week that you use Mr. Linky to link your post, just to be sure we don't miss anyone. Not sure what a permalink is? Check out our Welcome post.

Monday, November 16, 2009

November Potluck!

Welcome to November's I Heart Cooking Clubs Potluck!!

One week a month we celebrate a cooking free-for-all, cooking up any of Nigella Lawson's dishes that tickles our fancy and sharing it up with the rest of the group.

What will it be? Romantic dinner for two? Treats for the office? Delicious Friday night feast? The choice is yours.

So look through Nigella Lawson's recipes in her books or online, cook up something that looks great to you, post it by November 22nd and link up to Mr. Linky so that the rest of us can share with you!

And hey, did you get a chance to check out all the delicious Man Food from last week? Mmmm, makes me hungry just thinking about it! (The food, I mean!)

Link your I Heart Cooking Clubs post of the week's permalink with Mr. Linky, below, so we can all see your fabulous cooking club creation! Please leave a comment after, each week that you use Mr. Linky to link your post, just to be sure we don't miss anyone.
Not sure what a permalink is? Check out our Welcome post.
Happy cooking, see you at the potluck!

Monday, November 9, 2009

"Man Food!"

It looks as though a wonderful "Autumn Harvest" was had by all. Check out the many delightful dishes shared last week here.

This week we bring you "Man Food" and we promise we are not trying to be sexist here at I Heart Cooking Clubs. But there are some foods that men just love (and many women too of course!).

"Man Food" is usually thought of as being simple, hearty, big flavor and filling--think meat and potatoes, hearty vegetables, filling stews, anything grilled or really whatever suits your (or your man's) food fancy.

Nigella has plenty of "Man Food" style recipes to chose from online (see the links to her website and the Food Network on the side bar), or in her books, so join us for some fun this week!

Although Alton Brown defined "Man Food" on "Good Eats" once as "Food best consumed in a La-z-boy", you don't need to have a man or a recliner sitting around the house to take part in this one.

What you do need is a Nigella Lawson recipe to post on your blog by November 15th...and to link the permalink of your I Heart Cooking Clubs post for this week with Mr. Linky, below, so we can all see your version of "Man Food." Please remember to leave a comment after each week that you use Mr. Linky to link your post, just to be sure we don't miss anyone.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Autumn Harvest

I hope everyone had a safe and spooky Halloween! Check out our Spooky Treats and Spirits here.
This week's cooking club theme is Autumn Harvest.
A celebration of the bounty of the earth, generally before the cold or cooler weather sets in. Autumn harvest may mean something different in your part of the world, and we look forward to learning about it!

Eat the Seasons lists the following produce as being in season in North America now:

bell peppers, beet, broccoli, broccolini, brussels sprouts, butternut squash, cauliflower, celery root, chard, collards, fennel, garlic, leeks, parsnip, potatoes (maincrop), pumpkin, rutabaga, salsify, spinach, sweet potatoes, sunchoke, wild mushrooms

almonds, apples, chestnuts, cranberries, pears, persimmon, pomegranate
There may be more in your area, check your local resources if you are unsure.

"Our deep respect for the land and its harvest is the legacy of generations of farmers who put food on our tables, preserved our landscape, and inspired us with a powerful work ethic."
James H. Douglas

So come celebrate the fruits of the land's long labours and cook up an Autumn Harvest dish from one of Nigella's books or online recipes.
Be sure to post them on your blog by November 8th...and then link your I Heart Cooking Clubs post of the week's permalink with Mr. Linky, below, so we can all see your fabulous cooking club creation! Please leave a comment after, each week that you use Mr. Linky to link your post, just to be sure we don't miss anyone.