Monday, May 18, 2015

In Honor of Deb

This week we were suppose to Get This Soirée Started, but it hardly felt right since my sweet friend and long-time co-host, Deb, lost her mom this week. Deb wrote all about her mom, and her need to take a blog break, in beautiful post that you can find by clicking HERE.

I thought long and hard about what we could do here at IHCC to show our support for Deb during this difficult time.  I know that if we were all nearby we would show our love by taking Deb something comforting to eat. Since we aren't able to do that I thought we could have a virtual potluck.  Please consider this week as a potluck week to support our friend Deb by preparing any recipe by any of our chefs (see the full list above). Choose whatever you like.

Please choose and post your dish In Honor of Deb by Sunday, May 24th. Please remember to link a thumbnail image and leave a comment after you link so that we don't miss out on your dish.  

Lots of hugs to you, Deb! We love you dearly and we are thinking of you! Be kind to yourself, take all the time you need, and we will be right here when you return.

New to IHCC?  Need help linking up?  Check out our Welcome pageIf you have any questions please leave a comment below and we will get back with you.

If you missed our Mystery Box Madness theme last week, be sure to click on the picture links and check out all the fantastic ingredients that were celebrated!


Joyce Rachel Lee said...

So sorry to hear about your loss, Deb. My deepest condolences to your family.

Alicia Foodycat said...

It's going to have to be a soup!

Joanne T Ferguson said...

Please accept our condolences Deb for you and your family!
Hopefully with the story and recipe I shared, you can find it in your heart to laugh with me!
What's On The List

flour.ish.en said...

Something sweet. Something boozy. Everything to do with superfood — and losses.

Joanne T Ferguson said...

As a friendly follow up, Diana Henry replied to my Tweet:

Diana Henry
@mickeydownunder thanks to you and greatest sympathy to Deb. Good to know there are things that can comfort"

How good is this?

And condolences again to Deb and her family!
Cheers! Joanne What's On The List

Zosia said...

A Diana Henry salmon dish.

kitchen flavours said...

A bowl of comforting pasta soup.

Nammi said...

my condolences to Deb, its always hard to loose a loved one, my prayers and thoughts to her and her family

TeaLady said...

Prayers your way, Deb. Pasta

Alicia Foodycat said...

My (Diana Henry) laksa is linked

Michelle B said...

I am sorry for your loss, Deb.

Joyce Rachel Lee said...

A bowl of soup for dear Deb.

Kim said...

Decided to share these little dainty shrimp casseroles since Deb's mom was enjoying a shrimp plate in the picture. Love and hugs to you, Deb!

Kim said...

Joanne - Thank you for sharing Diana Henry's tweet. Very nice of her to send her condolences:)

Deb in Hawaii said...

I just wanted to thank Kim for the kind words and idea, and thank all of you for thinking of me and helping celebrate my mom with so much love and care. I am not quite ready or able to read your individual posts just yet--I am still a bit too raw emotions-wise--but I will very soon.

Please know how much I do appreciate them and all of you.

Much love and aloha,
