IHCC Featured Chef Themes Pages

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sustaining Soups and Stews

Can you believe it has already been six months?
Six months of cooking with Nigella Lawson, TV's most sensual cook, we have learned to describe our menus lustily and with great humour and style.
Please visit the sidebar to participate in the vote for our cooking club's next cook. Who do you want to spend the next six months with? These half year terms are perfect for exploring a chef's techniques and repertoire - who do you want to get to know better? Have your say!
We are going boy/girl so the next term will be a fella - whoever wins popular vote. If your fave doesn't get voted in this time.. there is always next time!
March will be our last month of cooking Nigella, we switch over to our new cook/chef March 29th.

Now, we all know the weather has been crazy this season. Rain, snow, wind, earthquakes, tsunamis.. it is enough to make you want to hide under the covers. What we need right now is comfort - a perfect time for Sustaining Soups and Stews. A bowl of comfort in an uncertain world.
Soups, stews, chillis, curries.. all perfect fare for this week's theme.

Just find any of Nigella Lawson's recipes, from her books or online, that suit this week's theme, cook it up and post it by Sunday, March 7th. Link your post to Mr. Linky so we can all share in your delicious dishes.

Somehow I don't look like this when I am bundled up for a Canadian winter. I catch sight of my reflection and realize I am starting to look like a crazy cat lady in my advancing years. Lumpy and pale with wind-burned cheeks and a vaguely confused look on my face. Crazy dog lady? Best if I just stay home..

Link your I Heart Cooking Clubs post of the week's permalink with Mr. Linky, below, so we can all see your fabulous cooking club creation! Please leave a comment after, each week that you use Mr. Linky to link your post, just to be sure we don't miss anyone.

Not sure what a permalink is? Check out our Welcome post.

And have you had a chance to check out last week's Great Grains?

I Heart Cooking Clubs *Sustaining Soups and Stews* Participants
1. Joanna@goaheadandsnicker
2. DebinHawaii--Noodle Soup for Needy People
3. TheBurmeseMom
4. Kim- Noodle Soup for Needy People
5. Natashya - Hot and Sour Soup
6. Sweet Potato, Butternut Squash, Carrot Soup

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  1. Great post Natashya! I have my soup picked out already. ;-)

    Great job with getting the poll up too--lots of votes and they are running close right now. I think we will have fun with any of them.

  2. This was a cute post Natashya!

    Looks like the poll is running in Bobby's favor for now. I think his recipes would be delicious and challenging. I'm hoping he wins, but any of them would be great.

  3. Too funny! I already made soup this week, so my link is up :) I was literally uploading broccoli photos as I read this :)

  4. OK, my Noodle Soup for Needy People is up. (I no longer feel needy!) ;-)

  5. I failed to particpate the last 2 weeks. I hope this yummy soup makes up for that! It was easy and delicious.

  6. Just finished up my version of noodle soup for needy people. My mouth is on fire as we speak:D Post is up now.

  7. Yay, we are on a soupy wavelength this week! Lots of us made the same soups. I love it when that happens!
    My Hot and Sour Soup is up.


So happy to hear from you! Let's keep up the positive energy we are working hard to create with this site.