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Monday, July 26, 2010

Raw Foods!

Turn off the oven, shut off the stove and leave the cover on the grill--we are getting RAW this week at IHCC! Yes, we are cooking (or rather NOT cooking) Raw Foods with Mark Bittman!

What are Raw Foods you ask?

Well according to Wikipedia: "Raw foodism (or rawism) is a lifestyle promoting the consumption of uncooked, unprocessed, and often organic foods as a large percentage of the diet. Raw foodists typically believe that the greater the percentage of raw food in the diet, the greater the health benefits. Depending on the type of lifestyle and results desired, raw food diets may include a selection of raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds (including sprouted whole grains), eggs, fish (such as sashimi), meat (such as carpaccio), and nonpasteurized/nonhomogenized dairy products (such as raw milk, raw milk cheese, and raw milk yogurt)."

Not to get too technical--we just thought this is a fun way to make good use of summer's bounty of fresh, natural foods and not have to "cook" this week!

How will YOU get raw?
  • Maybe you fancy a big plate of salad, or crudites and a flavorful dip?
  • A cold veggie soup from the blender?
  • Fresh fruit as a salad, dessert, or maybe a drink?
  • Roll up some sushi or slice a little sashimi?
  • Get elegant with some carpaccio or a little tartare?
  • Perhaps you are feeling shy and just want to dip your toes in and go partially raw with a raw pasta sauce to go on some cooked noodles?
  • Heck, you might just want to make your Mark Bittman recipe selection while completely "in the raw"--we are cool with that, just no pictures please! ;-)

However you decide to get raw, just make sure to make and post your Bittman recipe by Sunday, August 1st. Don't forget to link your post of the week's with Mr. Linky , below, so we can all enjoy your fabulous raw creation! Remember to leave a comment after, each week that you use Mr. Linky to link your post too, just to be sure we don't miss anyone.

Not sure what a permalink is? Check out our Welcome post.

I Heart Cooking Clubs *Raw Foods!* Participants
1. girlichef~ homemade coconut milk
2. Deb In Hawaii--Ethiopian-Style Tomato Salad
3. Pam - Quick Pickled Cucumbers
4. Debbie-Banana Ginger Granita
5. Debbie T - quinoa pasta w/ raw tomato sauce
6. Joanne - Linguine with Raw Tomato Sauce
7. Denny - Traditional Gazpacho
8. Andreas - Ethiopian Tomato Salad
9. Joanna@Go Ahead & Snicker - Heirloom Caprese Salad
10. Lexi (Raita and Chicken Biryanil)
11. Kim-Spiced Melon Balls
12. Sue - Couscous & Consciousness
13. Natashya - White Bean Purée

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  1. My homemade coconut milk is up...and I may or may not have made it "in the raw", LOL! Fun post, Deb =)

  2. I love it! No pics of me cooking in the raw, got it! ;-)

  3. Cooking in the raw-LOL! Very fun, Deb!

    Heather- great idea making your own coconut milk!

    Not sure what I'm going to post yet.

  4. Ok, so no nude photos. I can handle that! :)
    And I've wanted to make my own coconut milk, so glad someone tried it!
    I got a bunch of awesome heirloom tomatos, so I think I'll use those for my recipe.

  5. I went simple and made the Ethiopian-Style Tomato Salad from HTCEV. It is both colorful & delicious. ;-)

  6. Hmm going to have to think about this one.

  7. I am so sorry that I've skipped a couple of previous weeks, it's just so darned busy in the summer.

    But when I found Mark's yummy raw tomato sauce on the HTCE iphone app, I really wanted to make it. It was so delicious. I am looking forward to reading the other recipes!

  8. That Ethiopian Tomato Salad tastes so good that I brought another bowl.

  9. Just posted my spiced melon balls! Cool, spicy and refreshing.

  10. Hi everyone - I know I've been missing in action for a while - I've been holidaying in Greece. It was really tough, but someone has to do it, right?!!
    Anyway seem to have, at last got back into my blogging routine and have just posted Blood Orange and Black Olive Salad.

  11. Hi guys. I am in the raw! I mean, my white bean purée is up! No cooking required. ☺

  12. Hi
    Just wondering if I could also be included in the Twitter list. My twitter address is @suebuschnz
    Sue (Couscous & Consciousness)

  13. Great Raw Foods Week picks everyone!

    Sue, I added your twitter address to the list. Nice to have you back from vacation! ;-)


So happy to hear from you! Let's keep up the positive energy we are working hard to create with this site.