IHCC Featured Chef Themes Pages

Monday, November 14, 2011

Orange Skies...

Orange is the new black this week with our Orange Skies...theme.

We will be making any Tessa Kiros recipes where orange-hued ingredients are featured in either a starring role or as part of a strong supporting cast.

Whether you choose recipes with oranges and citrus, salmon or shrimp, pumpkin and other squash, sweet potatoes or even red lentils (Hey, they look orange!), post your orange celebration by Sunday, November 20th.

Don't forget to link your post of the week's with Mr. Linky below, so we can all enjoy your fabulous creation! Remember to leave a comment after, each week that you use Mr. Linky to link your post, just to be sure we don't miss anyone.

Not sure what a permalink is? Check out our Welcome post.

If you missed our Potluck last week, be sure to head on over and see all of the delicious dishes everyone brought! Don't forget, we're cooking through the recipes of Tessa Kiros right now...so if you've linked up, be sure that you've used/adapted one of her recipes for your post!

Oh yeah, apparently Orange Skies... is a song. If you are feeling trippy and want to get your psychedelic-folk-rock, carnival-and-cotton candy-loving, funky-self on, you can check out this link to the video courtesy of Natashya. ;-)

We can't wait to see your Orange Skies... creation!

***Photos courtesy of stock.xchng and Kahakai Kitchen
I Heart Cooking Clubs *Orange Skies-Tessa Kiros* Participants
1. Deb In Hawaii--Carrot Soup
2. Mika-Eggs with Bread and Butter
3. Heather - Mandarin Orange Jam
4. Yvette - Chicken drumsticks&wings with Orange tomato glaze
5. Kim-Little Spinach and Carrot Ramekins
6. Kitchen Flavours - Carrot Salad with Cardamom, Ginger and Lemon
7. Natashya - Carrot Soup
8. Andrea at Nummy Kitchen -- Winter Squash Pizza
9. Andreas - Pumpkin Pizza

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  1. I started the orange party early with Tessa's Carrot Soup. Sweet, creamy and comforting. ;-)

  2. Dreamy, beautiful, psychedelic orange skies...looking forward to seeing everybody's dishes :D

  3. Huzzah! You thought of so many cool orange (or warm orange..) foods! This is going to be a fun one.

  4. This is such a fun post, Deb. I love the idea of color themes. So excited to see what everyone makes.

  5. Some beautifully sunny Mandarin Orange Jam at my place this week!! OOOORRRRAAAAANNNNNNGGGGGEEEEEE =)

  6. Love The color theme too. Made chicken with orange tomato glaze. Yummie!

  7. I'm bringing some orange love with my mini spinach and carrot ramekins.

  8. Hi ladies, I've brought a bowl of salad!

  9. Hi ladies, I've brought a bowl of salad!

  10. Yvette - love the wings and your photo of your journey - absolutely wonderful!
    For some reason google says I don't have permission to comment on your site - just a google glitch, I'm sure - so I'm commenting here! ☺♥

  11. Okay - it's just google not letting me comment on any sites today.
    I'll come back and visit you guys tomorrow. (And steal ideas... ;-)

  12. I was inspired by Deb's vibrant soup and made some too!

  13. Sliding in at the last minute with Winter Squash Pizza "Bake" an interesting dish that I personally liked but wasn't a huge hit with the kids. Oh-well.

    Loving all the orange recipes!

  14. Too late for Mr. Linky, but here's my post for Orange Skies, late but no less sincere. Delicious! http://grandmaskitchentable.typepad.com/grandmas_kitchen_table/2012/01/ihcc-tessa-kiros-cream-of-winter-squash-soup.html


So happy to hear from you! Let's keep up the positive energy we are working hard to create with this site.