IHCC Featured Chef Themes Pages

Monday, October 8, 2012

Spice Bazaar

Spices are woven into the fabric of Indian food and culture, so what better avenue is there to explore as we start this journey with our new chef, Madhur Jaffrey?  Be it a spice new and exotic to you or one that is familiar and comfortable, let's dive head first into the overflowing bags and bowls of spices proudly displayed at any Spice Bazaar.

And don't let the term spice fool you - spice need not be fiery hot (though it can be, should you choose), there is a vast range of flavors just waiting to explode on your palate.  So grab Madhur Jaffrey by the hand and bring something inspired by a Spice Bazaar to the table this week.  We can't wait to see what you make!
Make and post your From the Earth post by Sunday, October 14th. Don't forget to link your post of the week's with Mr. Linky below, so we can all enjoy your fabulous creation! Remember to leave a comment after, each week that you use Mr. Linky to link your post, just to be sure we don't miss anyone.

Not sure what a permalink is? Check out our Welcome post.

If you missed the Welcome Madhur Jaffrey theme last week, be sure to head on over and see all of the delicious dishes everyone brought!  Don't forget, we're cooking through the recipes of Madhur Jaffrey right now...so if you've linked up, be sure that you've used/adapted one of her recipes for your post!
I Heart Cooking Clubs *Spice Bazaar* Participants
1. Deb in Hawaii--Soothing Cauliflower Soup w/ Coriander...
2. Kaye - Potatoes Cooked with Garlic and Sesame Seeds
3. Anshu
4. Anshu - Thai Green Curry Chicken
5. Margaret - Potatoes with Asafetida
6. Kim - Delicious Chicken Bits
7. Spicy Grilled Chicken w/ Tomato Cucumber Raita
8. Kitchen Flavours - Creamy Chicken Korma and Stir-Fried Cauliflower
9. Glennis - Tandoori Style Chicken
10. Andrea at Nummy Kitchen -- Banquet Cauliflower and Potatoes - Gobi Aloo
11. Sue - Spicy Vegetable "Samosas"
12. Natashya - Yogi Tea

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  1. Another soup for me this week--Jaffrey's Soothing Cauliflower Soup w/ Coriander, Cumin and Turmeric. Such great flavor! ;-)

  2. Mmm, I loves me some spice! Looking forward to this one.

  3. Mine will be: Madhur Jaffrey's Thai Green Curry Chicken


  4. I had t pick the stinky spice. Asafetida!!!

  5. I urge everyone to try MJ's delicious chicken bits. They are incredible, and easy, and full of flavor! I can definitely see myself making them a lot.

    Loving MJ. All of my recipes so far have been incredible.

  6. Loved both things this week: Spicy grilled chicken and yogurt w/ tomato & cucumber. Great theme!

  7. Delicious Creamy Chicken Korma and Cauliflower Stir-fried! We love it!

  8. I apparently had some problems this week, but continue on honestly and undaunted! Well...maybe a teensy bit daunted. Regardless of the outcome of my dish, I learned about garam masala this week. That's a new spice blend for me! I'm looking forward to learning about lentils in the coming week!!

  9. Just got my dish posted, spicy Gobi Aloo, cauliflower and potatoes. Very yummy.

  10. Soothing tea, for what ails you.


So happy to hear from you! Let's keep up the positive energy we are working hard to create with this site.