IHCC Featured Chef Themes Pages

Monday, March 25, 2013

Alavida Madhur! (Goodbye Madhur!) & Ottolenghi Updates

It's that bittersweet time again. Time to say good-bye to Madhur Jaffrey, the chef we have spent the past six months cooking with. As excited as we are to welcome our new chef, Yotam Ottolenghi next week, it is always sad to leave a talented chef behind.

So join us in saying...   Alavida Madhur!

On our last week with Madhur Jaffrey, anything goes. You can make one of those last dishes you had tagged and didn't get around to cooking, repeat a special Jaffrey favorite and/or round up your top Madhur recipes of the past six months. It's up to you!

Just post your Madhur Jaffrey recipe no later than Sunday. March 31st.

Don't forget to link your goodbye dish up to Linky Tools below.  Please remember to leave a comment after linking so that we don't miss out on your dish.

New to IHCC?  Need help with Linky Tools? Please visit our Welcome page if you need more information. Also, if you have a question regarding IHCC please feel free to leave a comment and we will get back with you.
If you missed those delicious One Pot Wonders last week, please head over to check those dishes out!  

***Ottolenghi Updates***

Hopefully you are liking our new look as we get ready to cook with Yotam Ottolenghi. Sue did a fabulous job designing our new header and making a cool Ottolenghi button to grab for the sidebar. 

As many of you have noticed, our first two months of themes have been posted on the sidebar. There are a couple links to online recipes for Ottolenghi there too--in case you don't have any of his cookbooks yet. BTW--Sue found an Ottolenghi iPhone application in case anyone wants to purchase it. I checked and the cost at the Apps store in the U.S. is $6.99 for what looks to be about 44 recipes currently (I'm not sure of the cost in other countries but it looks to be available in several). 

Here is a link  http://www.randomhouse.co.uk/lp/ottolenghi-app

Pay special attention to next week's welcome post as we will be introducing you to a couple of fun new IHCC features. 

Are you getting excited?!?! We sure are!  


  1. A very lovely goodbye post to Madhur, Deb! I like the picture you created (you are so crafty that way). I'm excited to do a roundup and share all of my favorites.

  2. I can't believe your time with Madhur is already over!!

    I'm looking forward to seeing what every one cooks up with Yotam. I might even join in the fun. The e-book verson of his Plenty cookbook is selling for $3.49 on Amazon right now. http://www.amazon.com/Plenty-ebook/dp/B005CRY2O6/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1364271170&sr=8-7&keywords=Yotam+Ottolenghi

    Disclaimer: No affiliate links have been posted. Just wanted to share a good deal with foodie friends. :)

  3. My goodbye dinner for Madhur is posted

  4. Leslie-

    Thanks for the information regarding the Plenty e-book! I will copy and paste that link to our sidebar so that everyone can see it. We hope you do join us for Ottolenghi! We'd love to have you:)

  5. Thank you , Leslie. I purchased it and stayed up late last night looking through it!

    I managed to make one last dish before we say goodbye to MJ. The green beans were a little more work than I'd normally give to a side, but well worth it.

    I want to thank everyone involved with IHCC, old and new, for pushing me out of my kitchen comfort zone.

  6. I had a fantastic time cooking Madhur Jaffrey's recipe with all of you! Usually I have a few recipes failures when cooking with a chef/cook for so long, but Madhur's recipes were all on point. Just posted my top five faves.

  7. I have great love for Madhur! I made her Spicy Cashews (roasted instead of deep-fried) as a last dish and did a recap of my Top 5 (+ 1) favorites of her recipes.

  8. Deb, your post is a lovely, fitting farewell to Madhur. I made Cauliflower with Potatoes for my farewell dish, though this definitely won't be the end of my cooking with Madhur.

  9. I made a farewell dish with prawns. Love it!
    I love MJ's recipes, definitely will be cooking from her delicious recipes, so many I have bookmarked to try!
    Looking forward to cook with our YO!

  10. Hi Kim,
    I'm unable to get into your blog post, it shows some malware detected!


So happy to hear from you! Let's keep up the positive energy we are working hard to create with this site.