IHCC Featured Chef Themes Pages

Monday, March 11, 2013

Kebab Krazy!

What's more fun than food on a stick???  

Not much! So this week we are going Kebab Krazy!

Find a Madhur Jaffrey recipe for kebabs or just find something to make that you can "kebab" yourself and post it no later than Sunday. March 17th.

Don't forget to link your kebabs up to Linky Tools below.  Please remember to leave a comment after linking so that we don't miss out on your dish.

New to IHCC?  Need help with Linky Tools? Please visit our Welcome page if you need more information. Also, if you have a question regarding IHCC please feel free to leave a comment and we will get back with you.

If you missed March's Potluck last week, please head over to check those dishes out!  

****Reminder Announcement****

If you missed last week's important announcement about IHCC's future, please take a moment to read it. We are still looking for hosts to continue the IHCC fun. If you are interested in hosting IHCC, please leave a comment below. Just three more weeks of cooking with Madhur Jaffrey and cooking along together at IHCC. 


This linky list is now closed.


  1. Love it! Looking forward to all the kebabs.

  2. Loved the kebabs! Definitely makes my top 5 list from MJ.

  3. Sad that you are moving on from IHCC. I know that my participation has been erratic here, particularly over the last four months when life has gone kind of bat-shit crazy, but I've definitely loved joining in when I can. Natashya, Kim, Deb and Heather you have all done a fantastic job - you have have been wonderful and welcoming hosts, and inspirational cooks.

    I've learned lots here and "met" some wonderful people, and I would love to see this blog event continue. As I am starting to get my head above water again, I would be happy to take on some hosting responsibility if there were others interested in also sharing the responsibility.

  4. I adapted a Jaffrey tandori-style shrimp recipe into tofu kebabs that were delicious! ;-)

  5. It is Easy Chicken Kebabs at my place!

  6. I had to squeeze in the hamburger kebabs before our time with MJ was over! Really enjoyed them.

  7. I posted my one pot wonder dish abit early by accident. I'll add a link later this week. :)

  8. Some really good lamb kebabs at my place!


So happy to hear from you! Let's keep up the positive energy we are working hard to create with this site.