IHCC Featured Chef Themes Pages

Monday, August 19, 2013

August Pot Luck

Oh, yes ... we all love a Potluck around here!

And, what's not to love, when Potluck means not only do you get to choose the recipe, but you also get to choose the chef.

That's right, choose any Ottolenghi recipe you like, or if you prefer choose any recipe from any one of our previous seven IHCC chefs:

Nigella Lawson
Mark Bittman
Giada de Laurentiis
Jamie Oliver
Tessa Kiros
Rick Bayless
Madjur Jaffrey

That makes for a veritable smorgasbord of English, American, Italian, Mediterranean, Mexican, Indian and Middle Eastern recipes to choose from.

To join in just post and link your August Potluck dish from any one of our IHCC chefs by Sunday 25 August.  Please remember to link a thumbnail image and leave a comment after you link so that we don't miss out on your dish.

New to IHCC?  Need help linking up?  Check out our Welcome pageIf you have any questions please leave a comment below and we will get back with you.

If you missed our Nuts and Seeds theme last week, be sure to click on the links and check out all the fabulous "nutty" dishes everyone made.

Don't forget to check out the Optional Monthly Community Recipe - there's still a couple of weeks to get your entries done, and you can post them using the linky at the end of this post. This month we're making Labneh, and you'll also find a round-up of all the Hummus dishes everyone posted last month.  This fun IHCC feature is a great way to join in cooking one recipe as a group, to share your experiences and connect with other members of the group.

**Please notice the poll on the sidebar.  We are asking participants to vote on whether they wish to continue cooking the recipes of Yotam Ottolenghi for an additional two months (end of November) OR whether they wish to vote in a new female chef/cook starting October 1st. The poll will be up for one week only, until August 27th.  Depending on the results of the poll, we will either announce a continuation with Ottolenghi or post a new poll asking for your vote on a new female chef/cook!


  1. Didn'tthere used to be a general sort of "how this works" page? I'm not finding it right now, so I'll ask my questions here.
    - Could we have the September themes soon? I might actually get to start real cooking again in September. Right now the company's gone and I'm coping with kitchen remodelling and a zucchini glut, so not much time for fun stuff.
    - Any ideas for the next cook? How about Deborah Madison? Or Molly Katzen? Vegetarian but good. Or go for the nostalgia factor with someone like Julia Child?

  2. Hi Kaye -

    We are definitely behind in posting September's themes. We should have them up later tonight or tomorrow morning. We are also thinking of how to proceed with our next chef/cook and will have some updates this week! Thanks for asking :)

  3. Sorry, Kaye. I forgot to answer the question you had about the "How it works page". Are you looking for the welcome page? Please let me know if this isn't what you're referring to! Thanks!


  4. Maybe it's the Welcome page I'm missing. On a netbook right now so it's difficult to grasp the whole screen. Could be there, but hiding.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Hi ladies ... it's all about Madhur Jaffrey for me this week! And Kim! I will be making the onion fritters that you made for one of MJs themes with a dish of YO's spiced lentils later this week! It's a spicy week in the grey cottage!

  7. PS ... and if we're starting to think about the next chef ... what about Diana Henry? She's really fun ... I think!

  8. You ladies do an outstanding job with this site. I hope, I will be able to commit, once again.

  9. Susan - I think you will love the onion fritters. They were one of my favorite MJ recipes! Sounds like a great meal.

    Also, thanks so much for suggesting Diana Henry. I was not familiar with her at all, but she does appear to have lots of gorgeous books and a great online presence. I think she would be a great fit.

  10. Chaya - Thank you on behalf of all the hosts at IHCC!

  11. Kaye - Was the link to the welcome page helpful to you at all? Please let me know if you have a quesiton. Thanks!

  12. I'm cooking with Nigella this week and the whole of this month (another cooking event!!), so I'm "killing two birds with one stone"! Chicken with 40 Cloves of Garlic is so delicious!
    Thanks to the lovely administrators for doing a good job with IHCC. Noted about the vote. Much as I've enjoyed cooking from YO, it would be nice to venture to other chefs. And looking forward to September's themes! Thank you, Kim, Deb and Sue!

  13. My daughter and I made chicken stock and 3 easy soups that she can now make on her own courtesy of Mark Bittman.

  14. @Kim, I think the Welcome page was what I was looking for. Didn't there used to be a link to that on the main page somewhere -- over on the right maybe or across the top? Oh, I just now see it ... click here for *more* and there you are. Thanks for checking. Sorry to be a bother.

  15. Cucumber salad w/ garlic, ginger, and sesame for me this week.

  16. I've been wanting to make this salad for a long time and finally got around to it! Absolutely delicious and brimming with fresh veggies and tender shrimp. Loved it!

  17. I did the optional monthly community recipe and made Ottolenghi's Labneh with Olives, Pistachios & Oregano. Yum! ;-)

  18. Not very original, but Pot Luck seems to mean turning to Madhur Jaffrey for a quick dinner that scratches our Indian itch.

  19. I couldn't resist the urge to revisit Tessa Kiros this week, and made this Tahini Soup which was surprisingly wonderful.


So happy to hear from you! Let's keep up the positive energy we are working hard to create with this site.