IHCC Featured Chef Themes Pages

Monday, September 9, 2013

You Made Me Love (Or At Least Like) You!

This week we're all about those ingredients that you once used to hate, but have grown to love - or at least to like a little bit.  We all have one of those, don't we - brussels sprouts, oysters, tofu, sardines, offal, are just a few ingredients that spring to mind which are often not so popular when we first try them.  I'm sure there is a list a mile long of potential ingredients you've grown to like.

You Made Me Love You Collage

So break out those Yotam Ottolenghi books (or have a look online), track down a recipe featuring one of those ingredients you were once less than enamoured of, and post your dish by Sunday 15 September.

Don't forget to link your dish as well as a thumbnail image below, and please leave a comment after you link so that we don't miss your dish.

New to IHCC?  Need help linking up?  Check out our Welcome pageIf you have any questions please leave a comment below and we will get back with you.

If you missed our New To Me theme last week, be sure to check out the links and get a taste of all the wonderful dishes we made.


  1. No doubt in my mind what I'll be cooking this week - for me it's going to be tofu all the way. Can't say I've learned to love it, but Ottolenghi at least makes it bearable (even quite enjoyable).

  2. There are a lot of foods I could have chosen for this theme but I went with winter squash.

  3. Over the past few years eggplant made it from my "YUCK!" list to "LOVE" list ;-) so I made the simple and pretty Eggplant with Buttermilk Sauce. Yum!

  4. I'm with Deb. As a child, eggplant is something I cried about having to eat. Now I grow it! What a change. Eggplant and Lemon Risotto was delicious.

  5. Hey Everyone,

    Just FYI--October themes are now on the side bar. Kicking off 9/30--it's our first 5 weeks of cooking with Donna Hay! ;-)

    Kim, Sue & Deb

  6. I've been out of town, but I got my sweet potato wedges up at the very last minute. Will be around to visit everyone's dish in a little bit (or tomorrow).


So happy to hear from you! Let's keep up the positive energy we are working hard to create with this site.