IHCC Featured Chef Themes Pages

Monday, March 16, 2015

Suitable For The Screen

No matter whether comedy, mystery, drama, thriller, musical, fantasy, westerns, sci-fi, or horror is your genre of choice, we all love a movie night at home or a night parked in front of the TV.

And a good movie night deserves good food - whether it be delicious snacks (popcorn, spicy nuts, chocolate, etc), or something more substantial that you're happy to eat in front of the screen.

This week we're exploring the theme Suitable For The Screen, and you will be sure to find a Diana Henry recipe that fits the bill.

So get those cookbooks out or look at any of the appropriate online sources, choose any Diana Henry recipe that you'd like to nosh on while you're watching your favourite movie or TV show, and post your dish by Sunday 22 March.

Please remember to link a thumbnail image below, and leave a comment after you link so that we don't miss out on your post.

New to IHCC?  Need help linking up?  Check out our Welcome page.  If you have any questions, please leave a comment below and we will get back with you.

If you missed our Mystery Box Madness theme last week, be sure to click on the links and check out all the wonderful dishes everyone made.


  1. Consumed on the couch, while watching The Voice, Diana's colcannon was matched to the film "The Quiet Man" for the monthly Food 'N Fix event I participate in. (And, it was wonderful!) ;-)

  2. I've made buttery, cheesy shortbread!

  3. Eh, why is the linky tool closed? 22 March isn't here yet. :(

  4. Hi Joyce,

    I saw your comment and just went in and opened it back up. I think that it closed because we were due to renew on the 19th and although I did renew on Monday, for some reason "it" didn't get the message on the linky tool itself. It is back open now so you should be able to link up. Sorry for the confusion! ;-)


  5. A Calore-laden pasta dish to put you into a food coma...just in time to enjoy a tv marathon!


So happy to hear from you! Let's keep up the positive energy we are working hard to create with this site.