IHCC Featured Chef Themes Pages

Monday, January 11, 2016

Monthly Featured Chef: Jamie Oliver

Do you remember back in the *olden days* when Jamie Oliver was known as "The Naked Chef?!" You know, before he started leading the Food Revolution... ;-) 

Jamie, we love you for your smile, that cheeky British humor, your simple and tasty recipes, and especially because you want children (and all of us) to eat better! That attention to food education and healthy eating is shown in your newest cookbook, Everyday Super Food, published this past October.

So let's celebrate Jamie Oliver, our Monthly Featured Chef for January! 

Please make and post your Jamie Oliver dish by Sunday, January 17th! 

Feel free to share some of your favorite Jamie Oliver recipes in your post. 

Please remember to link a thumbnail image and leave a comment after linking so we don't miss out on your dish. 

New to IHCC? Need help linking up? Check out our Welcome page. If you have any questions please leave a comment below and we will get back with you. 

If you missed out on our Fresh Starts theme last week, be sure to click on the links and check out all the fresh and healthy Ellie Krieger recipes we shared.


  1. I'm bringing a hot parsnip soup on a cold winter day.

  2. I made Jamie Oliver's creamy mushrooms and brilliant broccoli and serve them with pasta and bacon bits. :D

  3. An awesome lentil and roasted carrot salad with an oil free walnut vinaigrette. Amazing flavors!

  4. I made Jamie's one-cup pancakes. A hit with my 29-month toddler!

  5. Jamie's Sesame Seared Salmon with its tanhini-dressed avocado and shredded vegges was fabulous! ;-)

  6. Thanks to Jamie for a healthy and comforting breakfast that can even be made ahead! Loved his Nasi Goreng!


So happy to hear from you! Let's keep up the positive energy we are working hard to create with this site.