IHCC Featured Chef Themes Pages

Monday, April 4, 2016

G'day Curtis! (We Are Cooking with Curtis Stone at IHCC!)

G'day Curtis!

Was it really ten years ago that The Take-Home Chef debuted and we started freshening our make-up and putting on real pants before we went to the grocery store in hopes that hot Aussie chef Curtis Stone would stumble upon us and come home and cook a meal in our kitchen? (Or was that just me?!?!) ;-)

Food images from curtisstone.com
Those 10 years have been kind to Curtis with new cookbooks, a family, a successful restaurant, and appearances all over the television and social media. Here at IHCC, we are excited that Curtis Stone is our current featured chef and we look forward to cooking along with him and his philosophy of using the best, freshest local and seasonal ingredients that you can find and turning them into simple and delicious dishes. 

This week we are saying, G'day Curtis! It's your chance to make any Curtis Stone recipe from online or one of his cookbooks to welcome him to IHCC.

Make your welcome dish, post it and link it up below by Sunday, April 10th.

Please remember to link a thumbnail image and leave a comment after you link so that we don't miss out on your dish. 

New to IHCC? Need help linking up or just a refresher on how to join in the fun and become a part of our community? Please check out our Welcome page. If you have any questions please leave a comment below and we will get back with you. 

If you missed out on our Goodbye Ellie! theme last week, please click on the link to see all the great Ellie Krieger dishes that were shared!


Thanks to Sue from Couscous & Consciousness for making our new header and featured chef badge for Curtis Stone! You can use the code on the sidebar to add the badge to your blog or posts if you like.

Our Curtis Stone themes for April and May are also posted on the sidebar. 

Happy Cooking!



  1. I'm welcoming Curtis with a bowl of his yummy Thai coconut soup with seafood dumplings. Looking forward to a fun six months! ;-)

  2. We enjoyed this lovely spring starter in the midst of yesterday's snowstorm! Going out to shovel now....

  3. I confess I watched Take Home Chef and was secretly hoping he would find me in a grocery store. We are off with a bang on our first recipe.

  4. I loved the Take Home Chef! I'm sure I would have burned everything, being so distracted by Curtis Stone. I've made Curtis' chipotle pork tacos in a bowl form.

  5. I'm at work right now and can't recall the name of the chicken dish with a broiled salsa that I made this weekend, but Curtis you rock!

  6. Getting "squidgy" with Curtis! Delicious stir-fry dish. Looking forward to six months of cooking with The Take Home Chef!
    Deb, you made me giggle! If he is in Malaysia, I would probably do what you did! :)
    Sue, you did a super fabulous job on the badge and header! I love it!

  7. Hah! Thanks ladies for making me feel not alone in my Curtis feelings. ;-)

  8. yey!!! So excited with the new chef, I brought beef and green stirfry

  9. I went for a simple pasta dish with a bunch of wonderful flavor-popping additions. I have never heard of Curtis Stone before the vote here at IHCC ... he's a looker, that's for sure! And I like his simple way with food!

  10. Did a twist to Curtis Stone's cottage pie. :)

  11. Sorry I missed the farewell to Ellie. Made a quick side dish with snow peas to start are half year cooking Curtis Stone recipes.

  12. After browsing through the recipes, I'm excited to get cooking again!


So happy to hear from you! Let's keep up the positive energy we are working hard to create with this site.