IHCC Featured Chef Themes Pages

Monday, February 5, 2018

Monthly Featured Ingredient/Dish: One-Pot Meals!

A sink full of dishes is never fun, so this week we are taking a break from all those dirty dishes and making One-Pot Meals! 

Make any one-pot meal from any of our past, or present, IHCC chefs!

Grab your cookbooks, or search online, and chose from any of our past or present IHCC chef(s) until you find a one-pot meal that speaks to you! Make any one-pot meal from any of our past, or present, IHCC Chefs! (See the IHCC Chefs list on the sidebar.) Also, feel free to share any of your favorite one-pot meals within your post.
Make and post your One-Pot Meal recipe by Sunday, February 11th and link a picture up below.

Please remember to link a thumbnail image and do please leave a comment after you link so that we don't miss out on your dish. 

New to IHCC? Need help linking up or just a refresher on how to join in the fun and become a part of our community? Please check out our Welcome page. If you have any questions please leave a comment below and we will get back with you. 

If you'd like to see our How Good Does That Look theme last week, please click on the link to see what everyone shared.

*photo credit:www.curitsstone.com


  1. There is a cute bio up today on the Food Network about Ina and Jeffrey. Worth a read.

  2. Here is a fun recipe to do: Shrimp curry pot noodles.

  3. Chicken with potatoes, pomegranate and prunes from Ottolenghi. So easy and flavorful!

  4. Loved Ellie's hearty and flavorful bean dish! Perfect comforting veggie goodness!

  5. Love the osso bucco Cucina. Definitely worth trying in an instant pot one day!

  6. Really liked Mark Bittman's Chinese-Style Peanut Soup this week and I'm happy to be back. Thanks to Kim for keeping everything going. ;-)

  7. Everyone's dishes look delicious! I'm taking a short break. Been busy with the coming Chinese New Year, which falls on 15th Feb. Will be travelling back to in-laws place, then to my dad's, so see you ladies when I get back!


So happy to hear from you! Let's keep up the positive energy we are working hard to create with this site.