Monday, May 30, 2011

Something's Fishy!

Something's Fishy at IHCC!

This week we are focusing on all things Fish and Seafood and lucky for us Jamie Oliver has an ocean's worth of recipes to choose from.

So find a fish or seafood dish from one of Jamie's cookbook or online...

Bake it, grill it, broil it, steam it, deep fry it, or cook it any way you like...

Let's get fishy!

Make and post your Something's Fishy! dish by Sunday, June 5th. Don't forget to link your post of the week's with Mr. Linky below, so we can all enjoy your fabulous creation!

Remember to leave a comment after, each week that you use Mr. Linky to link your post, just to be sure we don't miss anyone.

Not sure what a permalink is? Check out our Welcome post.

If you missed last week's Mad About Herbs theme, be sure to head on over and see all of the delicious dishes everyone brought!

Don't forget, we're cooking through the recipes of Jamie Oliver right if you've linked up, be sure that you've used/adapted one of his recipes for your post!

I Heart Cooking Clubs *Something's Fishy!* Participants
1. Michelle ~ Jacket Potato w/ Shrimp & Marie Rose Sauce
2. Kitchen Flavours - Fish Pie
3. Deb in Hawaii--The Nicest Pan-Baked Sole (Tofu!)
4. Heather~ Spaghett alla Puttanesca (w/ or w/out Tuna)
5. Corina - Fish with Spinach, Olives and Tomatoes
6. Yvette - Salt cod soup(zuppa di baccala)
7. Natashya - Pesce alla Griglia with Salmoriglio
8. Kim-Asian Shrimp Noodle Soup
9. Meredith-Roasted White Fish and Leeks
10. Carol - Chargrilled Squuid w Rustic Guacamole

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Carol said...

This is definitely a challenge for me, my family are pains when it comes to fish. But I love the challenge :)

Heather S-G said...

Why oh why did I get fishy last week? I always seem to do that...even though I could easily pay attention to our themes. LOL, oh well, I was just saying that I needed more seafood in my life. I'm looking forward to getting fishy ;)

NKP said...

Woot! Excited to get fishy with my bad self. Maybe mussels..
I love the wee fishies on the photos!

Kim said...

Love all the pics of Jamie, Deb. Looks like Heather's getting fishy two weeks in a row;) I've been eyeballing that salmon stir fry in his Food Revolution book. Don't know what I'm making yet.

Michelle B said...

That first picture is hilarious--totally something I'd expect of my son.

I'm excited about fishy week. We love seafood!

Michelle B said...

Made Baked Potatoes w/ Shrimp & Marie Rose Sauce. Don't think I've ever eaten shrimp on a baked potato, but it was good!

Roz said...

Certainly a great theme this week after all the durn beef I've been eating in the last long holiday weekend for my husband's pleasure. However, we're on the road to visit our daughter, and her wonderful fish tacos are not on the menu this weekend . . . a surprise in store. Therefore, I won't be able to participate....but gotta love fish and Jamie recipes! Have fun, all! I'll be reading your recipes that you tried, Roz

kitchen flavours said...

Hi! I've linked up Jamie's Fish Pie! Yummy! First time I've ever made a Fish Pie and it turned out great, another winner from Jamie!

Deb in Hawaii said...

Something's"Tofishy!"at my place. I used Jamie's The Nicest Pan-Baked Lemon Sole recipe on tofu. ;-)

Heather S-G said...

I went the route of the "working girl" this week =)

Anonymous said...

I was impressed by how the fish I made managed to stay rolled up as it cooked and looks almost the same as the picture in the book! I'm not usually so pleased with my presentation skills!

Yrene MWCAdventure said...

Made this salt cod soup for this week!

NKP said...

Pesce alla griglia with salmoriglio is up!

Kim said...

Adapted one of Jamie's recipe to use my homemade shrimp stock. Hooray!

Meredith said...

After this fish/chicken challenge (just read the blog post and you'll understand) I'm so glad next week is a potluck! But I loved the challenge nonetheless,fine eatin' was enjoyed by all.

Carol said...

I ended up with Squid! And it was so good :)