IHCC Featured Chef Themes Pages

Monday, October 12, 2009

Midnight Sneaks!

In tribute to Nigella's famous late night trips down to her fridge to steal a bite of something delicious she made, this week our theme is "Midnight Sneaks". So what qualifies as a Midnight Sneak? Well...pretty much anything! A Midnight Sneak is any Nigella recipe that you would get up in the middle of night for, just to have another bite (or bites!) of it.

It might be savory, it might be sweet or even spicy. It could be a shared plate of pasta or a gooey creamy dessert--it's all up to you! Utensils are optional, in Nigella's world, fingers will do just fine!

So take a look through your Nigella cookbooks or online and find a Nigella recipe that you think is worthy of a stealthy late night visit to your refrigerator and post it on or by Sunday, October 18th.

Can't wait to see your late night crave-worthy selections!

If you haven't yet, take a look at all the amazing "One Dish Wonders" from last week--some truly wonderful choices!

Happy Cooking!

Link your I Heart Cooking Clubs post of the week's permalink with Mr. Linky, below, so we can all see your fabulous cooking club creation! Please leave a comment after, each week that you use Mr. Linky to link your post, just to be sure we don't miss anyone.

Don't know what a permalink is? Please refer to the Welcome page.


  1. Oh, you got me! I actually posted one last week but hadn't let you guys know about it. I've got another one up today! Love it! Thanks for starting up yet another winner of a group!

  2. I love the pics!! I think this is the best theme of all:D

  3. Wow - so many possibilities with this one. I keep flipping through my Express cookbook trying to decide.

  4. I sneaked! Or is it snuck? Either way...mine is up :D

  5. just added my sesame peanut noodles - delicious!! I wanna sneak and eat everyone else's goodies :D

  6. Party popcorn is up!
    This week is pretty delish! Lots of great Midnight Sneaks going on. :)

  7. We can have quite the midnight snackfest! My cold and creamy Chocolate Pots are posted.

  8. You all have some great recipes listed here...I'm off to visit your blogs. I just posted one from Express book.

  9. I forgot to add my name to mine...Bread and Milk. Duh! This was a fun theme!

  10. What a great theme! Can we do this one again?

  11. Great cookies Suzie! Yes, we will definitely have to re-visit this theme!
    I edited your link so it takes us straight to your cookies. Delish!


So happy to hear from you! Let's keep up the positive energy we are working hard to create with this site.