IHCC Featured Chef Themes Pages

Monday, October 19, 2009

October Potluck!

A potluck is a gathering of people where each person or group of people contributes a dish of food to be shared among the group. The original meaning was "food given away to guests", probably derived from "whatever food one is lucky enough to find in the pot" Wiki.

I Heart Cooking Clubs will be hosting a potluck once a month and you decide what to bring!

A gorgeous stew to keep us warm? Big pitcher of margaritas to keep us festive? Leg of lamb with lots of veggies? Potlucks are the ultimate wildcard - you decide what to make. So look through Nigella Lawson's recipes in her books or online, cook up something that looks great to you, post it by October 25th and link up to Mr. Linky so that the rest of us can share with you!

In the meantime, make sure you have had a chance to check out all the delicious Midnight Sneaks from last week. Mmm, well worth sneaking a second helping!

Link your I Heart Cooking Clubs post of the week's permalink with Mr. Linky, below, so we can all see your fabulous cooking club creation! Please leave a comment after, each week that you use Mr. Linky to link your post, just to be sure we don't miss anyone.

Happy cooking, see you at the potluck!


  1. I love the little mouse photos! Wow - we have license to do anything...anything!

    I can't wait to see what you ladies come up with :D

  2. Yippee! I am first with my Linguine with Bacon. (I'll be the one in the corner with the bowl and fork smelling of bacon!)

  3. Mmm, I love it when my friends smell like bacon!
    Great choice for pot luck.

    Looking forward to your dish, Pierce!

    My Cheese, Onion and Potato Pies are up. Delicious!

  4. I made it...but haven't uploaded photos yet! That linguine would hit the spot today :D

    Let me go check out those cheese, onion and potato pies now...mmmmmm

  5. My fish and porcini pie is up - and I'm delighted to report it's a really fantastic recipe.

  6. My goal, these days, is to make soups and more soups, for the cold days of winter. So, I took advantage, and made Nigella's Butternut Squash-Sweet Potato Soup. I got this from Nigella Express so it was quite simple but I found another recipe for Baked Butternut Squash which is similar but a bit more complicated, which I hope to make the next time.

    This is a comforting soup.

    I have to pass on the bacon but Cheese onion and Potato pies --- yum and must check out the fish. I could eat from this listing, very happily.

  7. Sweet and Savory - this was one I have looked at and looked and just wondered...too sweet? Would the guys eat it?

    Glad you tried it and I will read on!
    I just posted peach crisp. Nigella used blackberries, I substituted.

  8. Whew....I was runnin' late, but I made it! I love a good potluck :D

  9. I've been busy getting ready for an 80's themed party at work. I just posted mine tonight!

  10. I was afraid not to be in time !!! Wonderful recipes !!!

  11. Such a great week - I love all the fall flavours! Welcome Jasmine!


So happy to hear from you! Let's keep up the positive energy we are working hard to create with this site.