IHCC Featured Chef Themes Pages

Monday, May 24, 2010

Garlic Breath!

Aaaaaaahhhh...the stinking rose.  Love it or leave it, baby.  That beautiful bulb known to all as GARLIC!  That is what we're focusing on this week here at I Heart Cooking Clubs.  Garlic is a healer of ails...garlic is an aphrodesiac...garlic keeps away the 'squiters (and maybe even those pesky vampires).  It's a magical food.
Some people celebrate and want to let the whole world know how much they adore it!  I totally want myself a few of those chic accessories! 
It's easy...simply find a Mark Bittman recipe featuring GARLIC! And I'm talking FEATURING GARLIC here, people! It's just one week. For those of you who can't get enough of it, this should be easy (or hard...too many recipes to choose from!). For those of you who are a bit fearful of garlic, now is the time to take a risk...embrace that stinking rose for once...you could be a convert!
One hint...if a recipe actually uses the word GARLIC in the title, it probably features garlic as one of the main ingredients...there are so many options, please join us in our Garlic Love Fest. Or would you prefer Vampire Banishing Party? Or gathering to cure all that ails ya? Either way, we can't wait to see what Garlicky dishes you bring to the table this week!  So, come on....

Post your Bittman Garlic Breath! themed recipe by Sunday, May 30th and don't forget to link your post of the week's permalink with Mr. Linky, below, so we can all enjoy your fabulous Garlic-breath-givin' creation!

Remember to leave a comment after, each week that you use Mr. Linky to link your post, just to be sure we don't miss anyone.

Not sure what a permalink is? Check out our Welcome post.  And if you missed the POTLUCK last week, you can check out what everybody brought to share HERE!
I Heart Cooking Clubs *Garlic Breath!* Participants
1. Claudia - Beets With Garlic-Walnut Sauce
2. DebinHawaii--Osso Buco with Gremolata
3. Tina Marie - Garlic Honey Chicken
4. Kim-Pasta with An Entire Head of Garlic
5. Joanna@GoAhead&Snicker- Garlic Grilled Artichokes w/ Garlic Aioli
6. Joanne - Roasted Garlic Soup
7. girlichef~ Two garlicky meals...
8. Rosabela-Hummus
9. Natashya - Garlic-Mushroom Flans, and Caesar Salad topped with Garlic Shrimp
10. HoneyB
11. Fear of Hubby and IHCC
12. Jenny - All Things Edible - spaghetti and meatballs
13. Mary w/Mushrooms and Garlic
14. Denny - Garlicky Mashed Potatoes
15. Tiff- Braised potatoes

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  1. Fun post Heather!

    Although my entry for this week doesn't have garlic in the title, it has it as a main ingredient in the two components of the dish and I think it is sufficiently garlicky enough. ;-) It will be posted in a couple of days.

  2. LOL, Deb...I was trying to emphasize the importance of showing off that garlic! tee hee....

  3. I love it! I am a card carrying lover of the stinky rose - can't wait!

  4. Love the post Heather! Can't wait to get my garlic breath on ;-)

  5. I love garlic with all the flavor and health benefits, it's a winner.

  6. My Osso Buco with Gremolata is posted. Garlicky goodness--I want some more! ;-)

  7. I'll show you garlic breath...come TRY and kiss me! The garlic-force is strong in me today!

  8. Just posted my pasta with an entire head of garlic. An extremely tasty meal that was happily gobbled up;)

  9. Posted my artichokes! I was tempted to watch True Blood while I ate it, but my DVD didn't come in time!

  10. We've been stinking it up (in a good way) all week in our house...two of those ways are now posted =)

  11. Woo baby!
    You guys have whipped up some garlicky goodness!
    My Garlic-Mushroom Flans with Caesar Salad topped with Garlic Shrimp post is up!

  12. Loving the garlic! My post is up!

  13. Sorry all, I'm awol from the world of computers and had to make do with my entry.

  14. I made it with my garlicky mashed potatoes..nick of time..

  15. Natashya- I am loving your entire meal, but those mushroom and garlic flans are really cool (definitely worth the garlic breath)!!

  16. Okay, technically this got posted after midnight so really it was on the 31st. I had to restart my computer because it locked up :( Sorry!

  17. No worries Tiff. Besides it isn't midnight yet where I live! ;-)


So happy to hear from you! Let's keep up the positive energy we are working hard to create with this site.