IHCC Featured Chef Themes Pages

Monday, June 7, 2010

June Potluck!

Ever been to one of those Potluck's where you get an assignment? You know, the Alphabet Soup Potluck that goes by your last name, something like this?

Anyone with the last name A-F - bring drinks
Anyone with the last name G-K - bring a salad
Anyone with the last name L-Q - bring a main course
Anyone with the last name R-Z - bring a dessert

Only to find that they never switch the order and you're always responsible for the main course?

Or, better yet.....maybe you are famous for a certain casserole or dip and get pigeonholed into making it for EVERY POTLUCK? Boring!!

This week at I Heart Cooking Clubs, potluck can be anything you want it to be!! No crazy potluck assignments or infamous dish to be responsible for. Simply pick any Mark Bittman recipe to share. Whatever your heart desires!

Make and post your Bittman Potluck recipe by Sunday, June 13th. Don't forget to link your post of the week's permalink with Mr. Linky, below, so we can all enjoy your fabulous Potluck creation! Remember to leave a comment after, each week that you use Mr. Linky to link your post, just to be sure we don't miss anyone.

Not sure what a permalink is? Check out our Welcome post.

BTW--If you missed our herbalicious recipes featuring Herb Gardens last week, you can check them out by clicking HERE and following the links to each IHCC participant.

I Heart Cooking Clubs June Potluck Participants
1. girlichef~ Soup with Poached Eggs and Greens
2. Giovanna
3. Tina Marie (Cream Cheese Mushrooms)
4. Kim- Cornstarch-Based Vanilla Ice Cream
5. DebinHawaii--Curried Indian Fish Cakes with Potatoes & Peas
6. Joanna@GoAhead&Snicker-Grilled Bread Salad
7. Natashya - Italian Style Baked Eggs
8. Beth Anne - asparagus pesto
9. Maggie-No Knead Bread
10. Lexi @ Big Momma and Me
11. Joanne - French Bread
12. Alex@A Moderate Life-Tackling Bittman!
13. Mary-Herbed Salmon
14. Zibi - Spare Ribs
15. Denny - Honey Madeleines
16. Michael and Carla - Shrimp in Green Sauce
17. Andreas - Barley Cucumber Salad
18. Judi - who can't follow directions;)
19. Chaya - Brownies- the Bittman Way

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  1. Wonderful! I love the graphics. Guess I had better hit the books!

  2. I brought soup too ! Ha - feeds a lot of people with little effort : )

  3. I brought soup too ! Ha - feeds a lot of people with little effort : )

  4. Great post Kim--love the retro feel of the pictures! I made my dish last week but just need to find the time to post it and get round to see everyone's herbal creations. ;-)

  5. I love Potluck. Couldn't get it together to join you good folks for Herb theme......but here I am for Potluck!

    Love the look of this one Kim :-)

  6. Just posted my cornstarch-based vanilla ice cream. Definitely a fun and somewhat educational recipe!

  7. OK, my revamped Curried Indian Fish Cakes with Potatoes & Peas are posted. They were quite delicious. ;-)

  8. I brought my salad since I'm a J!

  9. Yum! What a delish pot luck!
    My Italian Style Baked Eggs are up!

  10. I had fun this week! My asparagus pesto is up!

  11. hehehe...I went all out and made something weird...and YUMMY! I wish I could go to a real pot-luck like this one!

  12. Welcome to Alex from a Moderate Life...glad to have you with us...I've added you to the blogroll! =)

  13. I brought some spare ribs. They're seasoned with a dry rub so they're not all saucy and messy ;)

    I'd like to be added to your twitter list too. I'm Zibi (Fresh Slow Cooking) @freshslow.

    I love your into for June potluck, the alphabet assignment thing startled me for a second. I thought I broke the rules!

  14. Yum, I love ribs!
    You have been added to the twitter list. :-)

  15. Touring you to South East Asia...Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

  16. Mr. Linky is down temporarily but my post is up. If Mr. Linky was working I would type: Judi - the one who doesn't follow directions!


  17. I said, I wasn't going to make the brownies.......but I did. Bittman Brownies - another winner.

  18. Great dishes! I want a taste of everything.
    Lovely post Lani! - don't forget - we feature specific chefs and cooks here - right now we are cooking the recipes of Mark Bittman in this cooking club.

  19. I had a hard time with this one as I am fairly certain my father had never eaten, or possibly ever heard, of some of these foods. When I ran across coleslaw, I thought that would be a perfect addition to my BBQ weekend. I'm hanging in there, trying to learn to cook!

    Love the graphics!


So happy to hear from you! Let's keep up the positive energy we are working hard to create with this site.