IHCC Featured Chef Themes Pages

Monday, February 27, 2012

Fight Scurvy - Eat More Citrus!

I find it somewhat amazing that encased in thick, pebbly skins you can find such bright, juicy, glorious bursting fruit!  It's like a hit of sunshine for those of us stuck in cold, blustery parts of the world this time of year.  
Antioxidants.  Vitamin C.  Good source of fiber.  Fat free.  Cholesterol free.  Sodium free.  Help in reducing the risk of heart disease.  Folate.  Potassium.  Phytochemicals.  YUP, citrus fruits are/do all of these things.  And of course, they prevent scurvy.
So reach into those trees...those market bins...those citrus groves...and let's head into the kitchen with Tessa and fight a little scurvy this week.  What will you make with the fruits from this versatile family?  A bright, clean salad perhaps?  Or maybe you're in the mood for dessert.  Flavoring some meat is a good idea.  Or perhaps a refreshing beverage or cocktail is in order.  Use the juice, the rind, the zest, the oils in getting fruity this week.  I say yes to all of those options!

I can't wait to see what everybody comes up with this week.  Aaaarrrrrrggggggghhhhh!
Make and post your Fight Scurvy - Eat Citrus! post by Sunday, March 4th. Don't forget to link your post of the week's with Mr. Linky below, so we can all enjoy your fabulous creation! Remember to leave a comment after, each week that you use Mr. Linky to link your post, just to be sure we don't miss anyone.

Not sure what a permalink is? Check out our Welcome post.

If you missed the Lighten Up! theme last week, be sure to head on over and see all of the delicious dishes everyone brought!  Don't forget, we're cooking through the recipes of Tessa Kiros right now...so if you've linked up, be sure that you've used/adapted one of her recipes for your post!

*all images via Googles Images

I Heart Cooking Clubs *Fight Scurvy - Eat Citrus!* Participants
1. Heather - Baklava
2. Michelle ~ Tagliolini al Limone
3. Deb in Hawaii--Roast Lemon Potatoes
4. Couscous & Consciousness - Little Blood Orange Cakes
5. JamieK-Avgolemono
6. Yvette - Cabbage salat with orange & Lemons
7. Andreas - Oven-baked Lemon-Potatoes

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  1. I love all of the fun and colorful citrus pictures Heather. Can't wait to see what everyone makes. ;-)

  2. Those are some gorgeous citrus pics. Already have my recipe picked out for this week. It's a new twist on an old fave. Can't wait to give it a go!

  3. Love the photos! I could wallpaper my office in them, they are so uplifting and fresh looking. ☺

  4. Arrrrgh, me hearties! Have my dish made and it was exceptional. Now to find time to write the post... :-)

  5. Although I had one thing in mind for this week...I wound up making another due to time constraints. Even 29 days isn't enough for me ;P . I made some awesome Baklava with lemon in the syrup! Not what you think of automatically when you hear citrus, but...

  6. Pasta, cream, brandy, lemon. Perfection!

  7. Tessa's Roast Lemon Potatoes are posted--simple and delicious. ;-)

  8. I'm posted for Little Blood Orange Cakes. Not citrus time of year here, so I faced a bit of a challenge this week, but got lucky with a bag of blood oranges - one of my favourites.

  9. Avgolemono posted! Have a wonderful Sunday!

  10. My post is finally up, and the salad was awesome!

  11. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to make it this week, but I'm sliding in at the last minute with Tessa's Lemonato and roast lemon potatoes. A comforting and delicious Sunday dinner after a rough week.

  12. I messed mine up this week. I made the dough for the lemon curd tarts yesterday and was trying to make them tonight... but the dough wasn't cooperating. So... Sorry to miss this one!
    I'm exhausted, I'll pop around and visit y'all tomorrow. Night!


So happy to hear from you! Let's keep up the positive energy we are working hard to create with this site.