IHCC Featured Chef Themes Pages

Monday, January 7, 2013

January Potluck with Madhur Jaffrey!

Choose any Madhur Jaffrey recipe you'd like and post it no later than Sunday, January 13th.

Please link your recipe of the week to Linky Tools, below,  and leave a comment afterwards so that we don't miss out on your dish.   

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  1. Potluck is always my favorite week of the month! ;-)

    Linking up early with Jaffrey's Green Soup--an Indian-spiced creamy pea soup.

  2. Spinach w/ Chickpeas was supposed to be my red and green dish but didn't quite get there in time :-)

  3. Clearing out the freezer with goat curry. Yum!

  4. Just posted thai chicken with chiles and garlic. Spicy and flavorful!


So happy to hear from you! Let's keep up the positive energy we are working hard to create with this site.