IHCC Featured Chef Themes Pages

Monday, December 31, 2012


We are ringing in the New Year with...


Make a Madhur Jaffrey recipe to serve as finger food or appetizer this week and post it no later than Sunday, January 6, 2013. ;-)

Don't forget to link up to Linky Tools below.  Please remember to leave a comment after linking so that we don't miss out on your dish.

New to IHCC?  Need help with Linky Tools? Please visit our Welcome page if you need more information. Also, if you have a question regarding IHCC please feel free to leave a comment and we will get back with you.

If you missed any of our Red & Green dishes last week, please head over to check those out!  


This linky list is now closed.


  1. Happy new year to everyone! I bet we're not the only ones who had Jaffrey treats for our new year's eve.

  2. My first time participating - Hope you like my submission

  3. Sour Potatoes from me! Same as Kaye's! wink!
    Thanks for the cooking themes for the coming months!
    Happy New Year everyone!

  4. I made a simple Yogurt with Mint & Cucumber (raita) and enjoyed it with warm nan. ;-)

  5. Frequently when I come to IHCC to see who's put up a post, the Linky part is missing. I'm noticing this both in Safari and in Firefox. Is there some kind of a problem??

  6. Sour Chickpeas for me - loved them.
    Happy New Year everyone.

  7. Looks like everyone posted some great things this week. I'm really bummed. I made some spicy thai chicken lettuce wraps and they were phenomenal, but it was really dark and ugly outside and my pictures didn't turn out at all. Guess that's what I get for waiting until the last minute! Hopefully I can get my act together for next week.

  8. Hi Kaye,
    I have not noticed that (I am usually Firefox) or heard it from anyone else.

    Has anyone else found the Linky part missing when you go to the post?

  9. I use firefox and haven't noticed a problem with the linky. I just logged on using internet explorer and didn't notice any issues either.

    I'll try checking back a little more frequently this week and see if I can catch it.

  10. I've noticed that the linky is missing a couple of times!


So happy to hear from you! Let's keep up the positive energy we are working hard to create with this site.