IHCC Featured Chef Themes Pages

Monday, December 2, 2013

Fast & Fabulous!

It's that time of year, when all the pressures of the holiday season begin to collide.  Parties to attend, Christmas baking to do, gifts to make and buy, childrens' school events to prepare for, entertaining guests ... both planned and unexpected.  No matter what's going on, time is such a precious commodity right now, you won't want to be spending hours standing over the stove preparing meals.

Donna Hay to the rescue.  Donna is the self-confessed queen of the shortcut, and you will find so many of her recipes are perfect for the busy cook, without any compromises in terms of flavour and good looks.

Yes, this week we're all about Fast & Fabulous.  Choose any Donna Hay recipe that takes less than 30 minutes to make, and post your dish by Sunday 8 December.

Now, go get cooking ... your time starts now!!

Please remember to link a thumbnail image below, and leave a comment after you link so that we don't miss out on your post.

New to IHCC?  Need help linking up?  Check out our Welcome page.  If you have any questions, please leave a comment below and we will get back with you.

If you missed our EASY Entertaining theme last week, be sure to click on the links and check out all the wonderful dishes everyone made.


  1. As usual - not following the rules. But really other than baking, this biscotti goes together super fast!

  2. A 15-minute meal of pork and long beans with incredible Thai flavours!

  3. Just a quick note to let everyone know that January's cooking club themes are posted!

  4. Thanks Kim, I was waiting for this! LOL!

  5. I tried Simple Three Cheese (& Sage) Pasta--the simple is in the making as the flavors are rich and sophisticated. Really good! ;-)

  6. Gremolata Seared Chicken was crazy-easy...done in about 20 minutes!

  7. I see pasta was a fave fast and fab meal this week! Yum yum yum! Guess I'm adding to the carb fixes!

  8. This was my favorite Donna Hay recipe so far! 15 min, just a few ingredients...super excited to use this one for Christmas!

  9. Another winning chicken recipe great for weeknights or weekend company! Loving this book of hers, Simple Dinners!

  10. Matchstick rosemary potatoes, 10 minutes to prepare and let oven do the rest of the work. Healthy and delicious! Another popular snack in my house.

  11. Coming in just under the wire with this tasty and healthy Seared Salmon with Coconut Spinach. Colorful, pretty, and delicious. Thanks to Pam for sharing the recipe so I could enjoy it :)


So happy to hear from you! Let's keep up the positive energy we are working hard to create with this site.