IHCC Featured Chef Themes Pages

Monday, May 7, 2018

Monthly Featured Dish/Ingredient: Garlic

Oh, Garlic! You make food taste so good! Thats why our challenge this month is making delicious garlic-filled dishes from our IHCC chefs. 

Grab your cookbooks, or search online, and chose from any of our past or present IHCC chef(s) until you find a recipe that features or includes garlic! (See the IHCC Chefs list on the sidebar.) Also, feel free to share any of your past favorite IHCC garlic recipes within your post!
Make and post your Garlic recipe by Sunday, May 13th and link a picture up below.

Please remember to link a thumbnail image and do please leave a comment after you link so that we don't miss out on your dish. 

New to IHCC? Need help linking up or just a refresher on how to join in the fun and become a part of our community? Please check out our Welcome page. If you have any questions please leave a comment below and we will get back with you. 

If you'd like to see our
From the East theme last week, please click on the link to see what everyone shared.


  1. Okay, so I went to ad a link to this weeks challenge was directed to read the new privacy policy and that message does not go away and allow me to ad my link. What is going on?

  2. It looks like you figured it out as I see two links from you, but for anyone else who gets confused, the site is making you read their new privacy policy which opens in separate window, then you "x" out of that message (top right corner of that blue box) you add your link as usual. Then at the bottom where you click done--right above that box is a spot where you need to acknowledge you read and accept the policy before it will complete your link. Unfortunately we have no control over the linkup provider's policies, but if you read the screens and follow the directions you should be able to add your links whether you choose to actually read the policy or not. ;-) I just added my link with no issues.

  3. I added more garlic to Ina Garten's Rosemary White Bean Soup and made her Lemon-Garlic Oil to drizzle on top.

  4. I have another one: aloo gobi with a little bit of garlic in it.

  5. Ottolenghi's Caramelized Garlic Tart. Ohhh that garlic! I'm ready to make a pizza now!

  6. My apologies as I didn't get around to making a dish last week, or this week. I do love garlic, so I wanted to be sure to gather all of my favorite IHCC garlic dishes together for a roundup! Can't wait to catch up on all your dishes:)


So happy to hear from you! Let's keep up the positive energy we are working hard to create with this site.