Monday, February 1, 2016

Oodles of Noodles!

Ellie Krieger has Oodles of Noodle recipes!

Which one will you make?

To join in the Oodles of Noodles fun, just post and link your Ellie Krieger noodle dish by Sunday, February 7th.
Please remember to link a thumbnail image and leave a comment after you link so that we don't miss out on your dish. 

New to IHCC? Need help linking up? Check out our Welcome page. If you have any questions please leave a comment below and we will get back with you. 

If you missed out on our January Potluck theme last week, please click on the link to see all the great chefs we cooked with!

photo credit:


The Pastor Chef said...

Chicken Bacon and Broccoli Alfredo with Zoodles! They are not officially a noodle, but a "Zucchini Noodle" they are cooked tender to have the texture of noodles. It was a delish dish!

Deb in Hawaii said...

Hi Chris,
I checked your post and it doesn't appear that you linked an Ellie Krieger recipe. She is our featured chef as noted on the site so any recipes shared need to be from her--unless it is a designated Potluck when you can link a recipe from any of our previous IHCC chefs (listed on the website under the header) or our featured monthly chef event (Tessa Kirros in February). If this is an Ellie Krieger recipe, credit her on your post and let us know and we'll put your post link back up.
Mahalo, Deb & Kim

Deb in Hawaii said...

Hi Vicki, Good eye! It was a typo--Monday, Feb. 1st was the start date for this week and the deadline is Sunday, Feb. 7th. I made the switch and it's fixed now and matches the February theme list on the side bar. Mahalo, Deb ;-)

Joyce Rachel Lee said...

A bowl of Asian Noodle Bowl. :D

kitchen flavours said...

The two "Joyces" make the same dish! haha!
But with different ingredients! It was good!

Deb in Hawaii said...

Love the "Joyces!" ;-)

FYI--March themes are up! This is our last month with Ellie Krieger as our featured chef (how does 6 months fly by so fast?!) so be on the lookout for a voting poll for our next IHCC featured chef (male) to appear in the next few weeks!


Deb & Kim

Joyce Rachel Lee said...

Deb, Kim, this is the last month with Ellie? I saw the dates on the side bar till April 3rd.

But I'm excited to wait for the next voting poll! :D


Joyce Rachel Lee said...

Oh I saw the March themes for Ellie on the side bar! Yay! :D

Deb in Hawaii said...

Yes! Sorry about that everyone! I meant that MARCH is our last month with Ellie as featured chef but it didn't quite come out that way! It made sense in my head. (Was jamming to get those themes up!) ;-)

kitchen flavours said...

Thanks for the March themes! Only two more months with Ellie! How time really flies!

flour.ish.en said...

It's the all vegetables pasta for this week. Four more weeks with Ellie!

Deb in Hawaii said...

Ellie through 4/3/16... ;-)

flour.ish.en said...

Corrections: I counted four more dishes I may be making, I mean.

Judy said...

Oiyk. A third rendition of Asian Noodle Bowl with Peanut Dressing. We really love peanut noodles in our house and I had decided on this dish last week. I would have made Aromatic Noodles with Lime Peanut Sauce, but couldn't find sugar snaps. Also it's very similar to Asian noodle bowl.

Deb in Hawaii said...

Joining the Asian noodle bowl party with (veggie) noodles in Lime-Peanut Sauce. ;-) So good!

Kim said...

Just posted Ellie's make ahead Salmon, orzo and feta casserole. It was so good! Can't wait to catch up on commenting for the past two weeks. My mom was in the hospital and I was tied up helping her but I am happy to be back home and catch up with everyone!