Monday, March 30, 2020

March IHCC Potluck! (& a Note About April's Themes)

This week is our usual Potluck week so pick any recipe from any of our 19 featured chefs and cook away. Or if you don't have the inclination to cook, repost one of your favorite recipes from a previous IHCC post!

You can make any dish from any of our 19 featured chefs:

Nigella Lawson 
 Mark Bittman   
Giada De Laurentiis   
Jamie Oliver   
Tessa Kiros   
Rick Bayless
Madhur Jaffrey   
Yotam Ottolenghi   
Donna Hay   
Nigel Slater   
Diana Henry   
Jacques Pepin   
Ellie Krieger   
Curtis Stone   
Heidi Swanson
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall    
Ina Garten   
Eric Ripert   
Ruth Reichl

Make and post your MARCH POTLUCK recipe by Sunday, April 5th. Please link a picture of your recipe below, and leave a comment after. 

*****PLEASE REMEMBER that we are continuing to cook the recipes of our 19 IHCC FEATURED CHEFS. Make sure that any recipes you post on our link ups are from and credited to one of those 19 chefs


New to IHCC?  Need help linking up or a refresher on how to join in the fun? Please check out our WELCOME page. If you have any questions please leave a comment below and one of us will get back with you.

If you'd like to check out the Pick a Favorite theme from last week, please click on the link and take a look!

***A Note About April Themes***

Due to the coronavirus and these trying times, we feel it is very important that we continue to cook and celebrate our shared passion for cooking. We realize that ingredients are hard to come by. In an effort to continue our shared passion, but keep things as easy as possible, we will be borrowing an idea from our British chefs, called Needs Must (necessity compels). You will see theme every week in April, with the exception of Julia Child's Welcome Week

Here at I Heart Cooking Clubs, we will do whatever we NEED to do to keep cooking. No, this does not mean putting yourself in harm's way to obtain ingredients. Instead, this is a call to use what we have at home or what we can come by safely. We will use what we MUST to keep putting dishes on the table. In doing so, our hope is we can share tips and ideas to help each other through these times! Our only guideline will be to use a base recipe (making changes if needed) from one of our 20 chefs, including our new chef, Julia Child. We hope you will join us in an effort to keep our passion alive, cooking our Needs Must dishes. Please stay safe and take good care!


Deb in Hawaii said...

Entry #1 is a simple and delicious Madhur Jaffrey side dish. (I'll have a Bittman dish this weekend.) ;-)

Deb in Hawaii said...

A Mark Bittman Soup that is a combo post from last week as he's my favorite chef. There's some of my top recipes on the post including this soup that I made back in 2016 I guess! Whoops! ;-)