"I think one of my favorite feelings is laughing with someone and realizing half way through how much you enjoy them and their existence." - Unknown
Here at I Heart Cooking Clubs we simply cannot go forward without acknowledging the great life, and talent, of Anthony Bourdain. We want to dedicate this week to Anthony Bourdain, as well as the special friendship he shared with Eric Ripert.
A big thank you to Anthony Bourdain for taking us along on his incredible journey. You had a style all your own, filled with honesty and integrity, and we couldn't help but admire you for it. We thank you for that honesty, for all the laughs, and the fabulous stories you shared along the way. Even though you wanted us to "get up off the couch and move," we sat on the couch watching you because your stories painted us a picture so colorful we felt as though we were right there with you. Our sincerest thanks for taking us along. You took us places no one else ever could. Rest in peace. Mahalo.
We'd also like to take this time to reflect on the friendship between our current IHCC chef Eric Ripert and Anthony Bourdain. Friendship, true friendship, is not easy to come by. Good friends are the source of much happiness and joy. Good friendship is one to be celebrated. Ripert states that he and Anthony Bourdain were best friends. Our hearts go out to all Bourdain's family and friends, but also to Eric Ripert. The joy on their faces in the above picture speaks volumes. May Chef Ripert carry their friendship in his heart always.
Please join us as we celebrate the life of Anthony Bourdain and all that he stood for. This week make a dish For a Friend {For Anthony Bourdain}. Make any dish under the sun by any chef/cook under the sun. Create something inspired by Bourdain. Create something unique and one-of-a-kind. Make a dish that tells a story. Make a dish inspired by a story. Make a dish that speaks to your heart. Make a dish to celebrate friendship. Make a dish to say thank you. Just make a dish! (We know we had our Monthly Ingredient Challenge--Berries scheduled for this week--so if you already made a berry dish, that's OK too--feel free to share it.)
Several Ways To Share Your Dish(es)
This week there will be a couple different ways to share your dish. If you have a blog, you can make your dish and post it by Sunday, June 17th, linking your dish here on our IHCC site. (See instructions below).
You can also make your dish and post to Instagram by including these hashtags: #forafriend #foranthonybourdain #iheartcookingclubsbourdain #ihccbourdain.
We will also be sharing the link on Facebook and you can link a picture of your dish to the comments section of our post.
You may even be inspired to go out to eat and have an adventure of your own! Feel free to share the story, and or picture, of your dish on Instagram (with the hashtags mentioned above) or on the comments section of the Facebook post!
Feel free to share as much as you like, using any/all platforms, until this Sunday, June 17th.
If you are linking to this site: Please remember to link a thumbnail image and do please leave a comment after you link so that we don't miss out on your dish.
New to IHCC? Need help linking or just a refresher on how to join in the fun and become a part of our community? Please check out our Welcome page. If you have any questions please leave a comment below and we will get back with you.
"You learn a lot about someone when you share a meal together." - Anthony Bourdain 1956-2018 | | |
**photo credits: www.businesswire.com